If you landed on this page you are most likely in need of help deciding how to divide up how many shares you want to invest for a specific stock or stocks.
We designed this tool because let’s face it, not all of us are math nerds and know how much money to allocate for each specific stock that you are looking to invest in. Our main reason for developing this free stock share percentage trading calculator was because we too were in a position to invest in some stocks but we had to manually calculate literally everything!
So, in a nutshell, this free stock calculator will show you:
#1 How much dollar value you should invest in based on your overall investment amount.
#2 How many shares are needed to buy based on your overall investment amount.
Here is the stock share percentage calculator:
Definitions for each Category:
Name: This is the name of the Stock that you desire to select for this calculator
Symbol: Each stock has a specific symbol. For example, Apple Inc. their symbol is AAPL
Cost: This represents how much it costs per share. This is the issued price per share that is constantly being updated on a daily basis.
Percentage: This will be up to you to determine how much percentage you are looking to invest in the stock(s) that you chose.
Dollar Total: The total amount (USD) you should invest in based on what you have chosen to invest in.
Shares Needed: The total amount of shares you need to invest in based on the what stock(s) you chose
So now let’s dive into this and show you exactly how this stock calculator can help you get your desired amount of shares and total dollar value.
How to use our Stock Share Percentage Portfolio Calculator
Step #1 Pick your total investment amount
In order to use our calculator, you must have a total investment amount you are willing to spend on the stock(s) that you will invest in. This is based on USD so if you need to use a currency converter simply google search currency converter or go here to this converter.
So, in this case, we are willing to invest $500.
Step #2 Choose your stock(s)
Now you need to choose the stocks you want to invest in. So, using Apple Inc. as an example, you will search “apple” and click “add stock” to add this to your calculator. If you wish to select more than one stock then go ahead and type in the name and add this stock. You can add as many as you want!
Step #3 Select the percentage you are willing to allocate based on your total investment amount
Now you need to divide up the percentages for each of the stocks that you chose. If you only have one stock then in the percentage tab you can go anywhere from 1-100 percent. **Please note that you cannot go over 100 percent.
If you selected multiple stocks then please allocate how much percentage you want to invest for each stock.
For example. Say I wanted to invest in 25% Apple, 25% in the Boeing company, and 50% Barrick Gold Corporation to equal out to 100% of my total investment amount I would simply type in those percentages for the corresponding stock.
**Please note that you cannot go over 100 percent. It must equal out to a minimum of 1 percent and a maximum of 100 percent.
Now simply click on “Calculate” and this will then calculate the dollar total and shares needed
That is it! You see in the image that we now will invest $125 in AAPL, $250 in ABX, and $125 in BA. You also can see the exact amount of share needed with each stock.
So if you are in need of how to calculate the percentage of shares owned, how to calculate a shareholding percentage, how to determine the percentage of ownership in a corporation, stock percentage calculator, shareholding percentage, how to calculate the percentage of shares this free tool should help you with this. If you are looking for a forex trading calculator, trading calculator cryptocurrency, forex profit calculator with leverage, or forex power indicator, we have tools that can help you with this as well!
We hope this free tool has helped you figure out exactly how many shares or the total amount of dollars you are willing to invest. Please go ahead and go to this article https://tradingstrategyguides.com/best-options-trading-strategy/ if you are interested in options. Also, we have a top ten list of the most popular stock blogs that we found. Our goal here at trading strategy guides is to develop tools exactly like this free trading calculator or stock share percentage calculator as we called it because we desire to help traders! Please see our mission statement here as our team does our best to develop indicators, training, tools, and many other things to come.